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Requirements for Exemption

In Accordance with the ground applied under for the granting of a certificate of Exemption,
documentary evidence are required as follows-

Ground: i) exceeds one thousand square feet in area and is, for the time being

Designed to be used primarily as a warehouse; or

A copy of the Title and Building Plan.

Ground: ii) is of such a valuation at the prescribed date as to warrant being let at
such standard rent (exclusive of any amount payable for service) as the
Minister may by order prescribe: or

Requirements :-

A copy of the Title and a Valuation Certificate with its’ base date
At 31st
August, 1980.

Ground : iii) is constructed after 31 st August, 1980, or having been in construction
Before that date, is completed thereafter:

Requirements :-

A copy of the Title, of letter of approval from the Town and
Country Planning Au

Ground: iv) is constructed prior to the 3 l'” August 1980 and purchased at arm’s
Length by another person after that date but not later than the 31 st
October 1982;

Reguirements :.:.._

A copy of the Title which will verify the date of purchase.